
You are invited to join us from 9AM to 2PM on Saturday, May 11 outside in the parking lot for two great events the Student Mission Trip Car Wash and Spring Flea Market. Details below.


Flea Market

Mark your calendar to shop at the Spring Flea Market Sale on Saturday, May 11 from 9AM to 2PM. Friends, Neighbors and venders will be selling their household items and crafts in the front Georgia Ave parking lot. Parking is available at the back of the church, scroll down for map. There will also be food for sale. Proceeds of food sales and fee to sell goods goes will go to Love Inc Montgomery County.

If you are interested in selling items, please purchase a space for $25 by emailing Sarah Formichelli at  

Parking Lot Map for May 11

Student Car Wash Fundraiser

Get your car cleaned and support the Oakdale Student Summer Mission Trip down to Appalachia this summer. Oakdale's youth ASP trip is an opportunity to invite youth grow into discipleship by building relationships that foster obedience to God and service to community. High school students spend the year preparing and fundraising to travel to Appalachia for week and help make homes warmer, safer, and drier.

Please enter at your first right, in front of the white Historic Chapel, off Emory Church Rd. The car wash will take place in the parking lot beside the church playground (scroll up for map). After your car is clean we invite you to park in the back parking lot and walk to the front parking lot for the Flea Market