doesn’t get the
At the heart of the Bible’s message is Jesus, God in the flesh.
Scripture witnesses to the redeeming love of God in Jesus’ life and teachings, his death, his resurrection, his sovereign presence in history, his triumph over the powers of sin and death, and his promised return.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And this is the good news we take into all of life. The good news are for your life too. Trust him and follow him. Today is a good day to do so.
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Mobilizing you to grow in your spiritual maturation not in information so you can experience transformation.
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important goal
Grow God's Kingdom by Igniting 70,000 Hearts as Disciple-Makers who Impact 7,000 Homes,
700 Communities and
70 Countries by Dec 31, 2030
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Spiritually obvious without being spiritually obnoxious. Regular people making disciples that make disciples in real ways.
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