You were created to have a personal relationship with Jesus. He is your Savior, your healer, and your friend.
Jesus is God's answer to humanity's desperate need for salvation.
God, because of His great love for us, wrapped himself in humanity and came to earth as a simple man—Jesus.
John 3:16, one of the most famous scriptures, illustrates just this, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son. That whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus became the bridge between mankind and God so that we can have a relationship with the Father.
Jesus said he came to earth to give us life, full, abundant life (John 10:10).
The heart of God is to meet the needs of His children. So many of us are carrying around burdens, worries and needs. Life’s joy is smothered by our hurts, habits and hangups.
A relationship with Jesus begins as we honestly bring our needs to Jesus and ask him to help us. In the Bible there was virtually no need, sin, or problem that when brought to Jesus with humility and honesty that Jesus didn’t heal.
In fact, the story of the Bible is that God loves to rescue us out of all the disasters our choices and lifestyles have led us into.
So have no fear that your troubles are too much for God or that your choices have made you ineligible for God’s love. God’s grace is always greater than all our sin!
Just like any good physician, Jesus offers directions or next steps to follow so that we can experience the healing and provision God wants us to have. Jesus’ commands and directions are never more than we can do but are sometimes more than what we want to do.
However, when Jesus’ commands were obeyed and followed his promise of healing and life were always fulfilled. As you bring your needs and desires before Jesus it is critical that you listen for his direction and follow his commands.
As we see in the Bible, repeatedly as people trusted Jesus and obeyed his commands, they experienced the power of God’s promises and the healing that they needed.
Blind people received their sight, lame people were able to walk, those smothered in shame and needing forgiveness were set free.
Once you have encountered the love and power of Jesus in your life, it is natural to begin to bring your whole life to Him.
Eventually, like the original disciples, you will find yourself falling in love with the God who has loved you all along.
The relationship now developed becomes the anchor for a life of peace that passes all understanding and a joy the things of this world cannot oYer.
The joy of experiencing God’s goodness in our lives becomes our witness to our family and friends. No one wants to keep secret the touches of God in our lives. This sharing becomes the primary way that others can hear and receive life as well.