The movement has started

There is a place for you in it!

Disciple-making may not be a word you hear regularly in your day-to-day conversations but you will hear us talking about that often at Oakdale. 

Inside of every disciple of Jesus there is the seed of a disciple-maker. And that’s because the good news is worth knowing and worth sharing. 

And you won’t go at it alone. 

When you believe that Jesus is the son of God and has come so you can have life you go with the Holy Spirit of God and the support of your community at Oakdale. 

We gather locally but the impact is in the hearts of many, near and far. 


Wildly Important Goal

Grow God's Kingdom by Igniting 70,000 Hearts as Disciple-Makers who Impact 7,000 Homes, 700 Communities and 70 Countries by Dec 31, 2030


Oakdale Church has been called by God to catalyze a movement of disciple-making. Here’s what we mean by each of those terms:


A simple definition of a disciple, which we see demonstrated in the Gospels and Book of Acts, is someone who hears, obeys and shares Jesus—and helps others to do the same. We want people far from God to discover His love and forgiveness and experience the joy of living in His Kingdom.

So we equip ordinary believers to be intentional, invitational disciple-makers where they live, learn, work and play. Our style is to be spiritually obvious without being spiritually obnoxious.


In our context, a movement is rapid, viral, exponential increase in disciples reproducing disciples.

That’s quite different from a model that only focuses on adding new members through an information-based strategy.

Oakdale, however, is developing a biblically-aligned culture that transforms lives; multiplies new generations of Spirit-led disciples, leaders and churches; and expands God’s Kingdom far beyond our existing congregation.


A catalyst is generally defined as “a substance or agent that can start or speed up a chemical reaction, or cause significant change or action.”

We are striving to ignite something new and significant that’s not happening yet in our neighborhoods, region or country—a movement of disciple-making!

While movements are ultimately supernatural moves of God’s Spirit, Jesus’ Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) makes clear that all of His disciples are to be partners in this process.

Want to know what part you can play?

All questions welcome!


Want to know what part you can play?

All questions welcome!

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