A man and three women are posing for a picture together

Missionary: Lana Vasquez

Mission: Life Impact International

Location: Thailand & Brazil

At Life Impact International, Lana oversees all the ministries and personnel. The vision of Life Impact is to prevent human trafficking by intervening in the lives of at-risk children, youth, displaced people, refugees and orphans. They rescue children who have been sold into prostitution or child slavery, as well as those who are victims of abuse, abandonment or extreme poverty. They heal the lives of orphans through outreach, humanitarian aid, disaster relief, children’s homes and orphanages.

In Thailand, Life Impact has a safety haven called Promise Land. There, rescued children live in group homes with house parents, and receive academic and spiritual education, along with physical care. A smaller but similar home exists in Burma. Now a new ministry is beginning in Brazil. In 2020 after Lana spoke at Oakdale, the church donated more than $30,000 to support the ministry in Brazil. They are opening facilities in a high risk area that will be a prevention centers, offering classes and programs to about 100 children. This will get them off the streets and redirected away from child trafficking.

Oakdale Contact: Richard & Ginny Lee - rclee1031@yahoo.com

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