Also known as WIG, our wildly important goal for this season is to Grow God's Kingdom by Igniting 70,000 Hearts as Disciple-Makers who Impact 7,000 Homes, 700 Communities and 70 Countries by Dec 31, 2030.
It sounds ambitious because it is, but we see it as a small part of a God-sized movement. And this disciple-making movement is not the same without you.
To achieve our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) until 2030, we need everyone to start taking small, consistent steps beginning this year. Join in, let us equip you to be a disciple-maker and share your wins with us!
70.000 HEARTS
1 WIN = A person who believes in their heart and confesses to another person that Jesus is their Lord and has the obedience to take their next step
7.000 HOMES
1 WIN = A household where two or more practice discipleship rhythms together
1 WIN = One disciple-making activity begins with an affinity group of people who weren’t previously practicing
1 WIN = One or more disciples are sharing Jesus with non-disciples from a specific people group, seeking to catalyze a disciple-making movement in that people group
Bringing hope, one story at a time.
Oakdale's Attic is a thrift store located downstairs in the historic chapel building at the corner of Emory Church Road and Georgia Avenue on the Oakdale Church campus.
Through Oakdale’s Attic we desire to exemplify the light of Christ in an environment where we meet people, offer sales, prayer, and spiritual conversations.
You will find gently used kitchen and household objects such as dishes, cups, cutlery, desk accessories, scarves, jewelry, purses, linens, curtains, decorative pillows and home goods, toys, and collectables.
Proceeds from sales support local, national and international impact efforts.