UMM Caravans, Sentries, and Cavalcades

    07.28.20 | Stories by Sam Beatty

    All of the men in our group have been in isolation with the current restrictions. And some of our body have been suffering. To bring a little joy to those with health issues, UMM went mobile recently. On May 18th, we organized a caravan of a dozen cars to visit two of our members suffering from cancer issues, Bill Nullmeyer and Ray Johnson, and one recently released from Medstar with a severe case of the virus, Ed McCaffrey, at their homes.

    We recognized that we had to do it by the rules – with safe distancing recognition, with face masks in place, and with proper spacing and germ control. But that had no restrictions on noise control or prayer power.
    So with horns “ablazing” we gave a toot and arrived in style at the Nullmeyer and then at the Johnson residences for all the neighbors to see as well.

    Oakdale Church (the people) was on the move. We greeted (from afar), we sang “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow” (poorly) and we prayed (humbly). But most of all we just spread love (loudly and well). We also let the neighbors know where Oakdale was. 

    In a much more somber mood we proceeded to the McCaffrey home silently and reverently. With Ed in and out of comas, we prayed on the front lawn with Little Audrey and with Ed’s wife Audrey in the upstairs window. His daughter told us that Ed hadn’t opened his eyes in two days, but she told him UMM was in the front yard, he opened them. 

    Those who participated were:
    Sam Beatty
    Ira and Lawrie Branson
    Tom and Susan Gallup
    Denny Heinbuch
    Don Hill
    Ron Hoggard
    Joe Hoover
    Mike Lears
    Pete Martineau
    Steve Paterson
    Skip Schoening
    Ted Strahan
    The Sentries

    On May 28th another group of UMMers gathered in cars at the Gate of the Cemetery to await the arrival of Ed McCaffrey’s family and hearse with the casket. We
    were not allowed into the cemetery with the current health restrictions but we got as close as we could to
    pay our homage and our love to our dear friend’s family. 

    Those attending were:
    Sam Beatty
    Ira and Lawrie Branson
    Alden and Marti English.
    Julie Fanara
    Dick Harris
    Denny and Mary Jane Heinbuch
    Don and Sandy Hill
    Ron Hoggard
    Jim Holland
    Mike Lears
    Steve Patterson
    Mel Sessa
    Ted Strahan
    The Cavalcade

    Susan Lears suggested that we should not limit our visits to UMM members only. Several women of our church have been suffering as well. Only too happy to hit the road again, the UMM cavalcade was formed – this time with more women among our ranks.
    On May 29th we staged at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, not for equal opportunity of disciplines, but for proximity to the first two stops in Leisure World. Access to those two stops (with 14 cars going thru the gate on two passes) was pre-arranged and went without a

    So we quietly pulled along to see Betty Durand and then Jim Turner. This was followed up with noisier
    visits to Gloria Williams, and then Connie Applegate, and finally Dot Bready. All (outside of leisure World)
    were beeped and tooted to; saluted (as well as their neighbors); given roses by us, beads by Nora Jones,
    freshly made bread by Joyce Meeden, deviled eggs by Marti English, and of course leftover UMM nuts by Alden English.

    The ladies were serenaded with “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and Jim heard “For He’s A Jolly Good
    Fellow.” All were prayed for and all seemed appreciative of the visit. At one home the visit even brought a tear to the husband, but, on reflection, that was probably due to the singing. One abiding feeling was left with every participant for all three rides – thankfulness; for our church community, for the improved health of our friends, and most of all for the opportunity to share love.

    Those who partcipated:
    Sam Beatty
    Ira and Lawrie Branson
    Alan Cassity
    Alden and Marti English
    Denny and Mary Jane Heinbuch
    Don and Sandy Hill
    Ron Hoghard
    Jim and Nancy Holland
    Nora Jones
    Mike Lears
    Susan Lopsonzski
    Joyce Meeden
    Steve Patterson
    Skip and Jan Schoening
    Ted Strahan

    If you would like to get involved with the Men's ministry or participate in a caravan, contact Dennis Kane or David Deans.