Training & Resources

Disciple-Making Movements Training

DMM Training is an 9-week introduction to Disciple-Making Movements. The goal is to help people hear and obey Jesus, especially His command to make disciples who make disciples. Movements are about Kingdom multiplication, rather than mere addition—until the whole world knows!

DMM training is free and offered periodically online via Zoom.

We strongly encourage you to invite one or more other people to join you for the training. Being part of a team is critical to living this out.

Our next training will start on Friday, June 28, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Click the button below to register and/or request additional information.

  I Am Interested

The training focuses on 7 elements that are common among Spirit-led Disciple-Making Movements around the world:

  • Focus on God's Word
  • Multiply Extraordinary Prayer
  • Cast Vision
  • Train Believers
  • Go Out Among the Lost
  • See Groups Start
  • Ongoing Coaching

Disciple-Making Resources

BOOKS to help you grow as a Disciple-Maker
Disciple Maker by Phil Bickel (free downloadable PDF)
A Discipleship Journey by Dave Buehring
Great Commission Disciple Making by James A. Lilly
The Harvest Prayer of Jesus by Edward N. Gross
The Jesus Strategy by Tom Marshall
King Jesus & the Beauty of Obedience-Based Discipleship by D. Young
The Multiplier's Mindset by Cynthia Anderson
The Only One by Curtis Sergeant
Revival Starts Here by Dave Clayton 
Spirit Walk by Steve Smith
Your Part in God's Story by Steve Addison

BOOKS about Disciple-Making Movements
North American context
Contagious Disciple-Making by David L. Watson & Paul D. Watson
From Megachurch to Multiplication by Chris Galanos
In the Way by Damian Gerke
Marks of a Movement by Winfield Bevins (Methodist perspective)
More Disciples by Doug Lucas
Spent Matches by Roy Moran
Superplan by Chris Clayman
Global context
Bhojpuri Breakthrough by Victor John with Dave Coles
Dear Mom & Dad by R. Rekedal Smith
The Father Glorified by Patrick Robertson & David Watson
The Kingdom Unleashed by Jerry Trousdale & Glenn Sunshine
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale
Motus Dei by Warrick Farah, editor (a rigorous academic study of DMM)
Stubborn Perseverance by James Nyman
A Wind in the House of Islam by David Garrison

CHURCHES & NETWORKS focused on Disciple-Making Movements
North American context
1Body Church
Church Project
Contagious Disciple Making (CDM)
Disciple Making Movements Collective
eLife Network
Global Gates
KC Underground
More Disciples
New Generations North America
Global context
24:14 Coalition (Matthew 24:14)
DMMs Frontier Missions
Final Command Ministries
Frontier Ventures
Move Network
New Generations
Team Expansion

Ordinary People (DMM: Kansas City, Kenya, 2022
Love One Another Until the Whole World Knows (DMM: Tampa, Lubbock, 2021)
Sheep Among Wolves (DMM: Iran), 2015, 2019
Underground People (Microchurches: Tampa, 2022)