Wildly Important Goal

During the second half of 2022, the staff, Board and congregation began to prayerfully ask God to reveal Oakdale's next Wildly Important Goal. While on their Annual Retreat, in February 2023, the Board strongly felt the Spirit leading us to embrace the following God-sized, disciple-making WIG:


This is one WIG with four parts.
The question that each person at Oakdale will be invited to answer: What is my part?

Over the course of the last few weeks, we have heard Pastor Kevin speak to the WIG during the Future is in Focus Sermon Series. Additionally, the incredible Oakdale Staff and Board are presently working through the details on how we will lay the foundation to achieve these goals.

One of the most important – and exciting – attributes of our WIG is that we hope to create an opportunity for everyone to directly contribute in a way that fits their unique life circumstances. We have a wonderfully diverse church, with numerous generations and cultures represented – we want the WIG to capitalize on that fact, rather than be restrained by it.

In the coming months, the details of our WIG lines of effort will be honed and officially presented. We hope that each person in the pews or watching online will see an opportunity that calls to them. When that call comes, answer it – you may be surprised by how much you receive in return. 

Will you….

  1. Ask God to direct you toward where He wants you to focus your disciple-making as part of the WIG (Countries, Communities, Homes and Hearts)?
  2. Join our prayer efforts over the next few months, praying for the area that you feel called?

Daily WIG Prayer

Visit oakdale.church/wigpray to join the zoom prayer. You are welcome anytime!