Oakdale Church Equipping Team

Our Role

“To equip God's people to do the work of ministry, so that the Church, the body of Christ, may be built up.”  Ephesians 4:12

Our Goal

To mature and mobilize disciples who multiply obedient disciples, healthy churches, godly leaders and kingdom movements.

Tim Parker

Associate Pastor

Hometown: The Sweetest Place on Earth (also known as Hershey, Pennsylvania)

My Story: I grew up in church as a pastor’s kid. However, I never made my faith my own until I went off to college in New Orleans. While I was far from home and away from the influence of my family, my faith and convictions were tested. After being asked on the spot to pray for a homeless man, I felt the Spirit’s beckoning to follow Jesus. With much resistance, I finally gave in and accepted Jesus in my heart. It was the first time my faith was fully my own. During that time, God called me to be a pastor, and I uprooted everything to be obedient to His call. I have experienced several trials along my faith journey but each time my faith has come out stronger and more refined on the other side.

Family: My wife Sasha and I have been married since April 2018. While her family is from Puerto Rico, both of us are native to Pennsylvania. Our son Ezequiel is almost 2 years old, and we are awaiting the birth of our second child later this year. We also have an 11-year-old corgi named Samson. Much of my family ancestry is Pennsylvania Dutch and still live in Central Pennsylvania. My grandfather was forbidden by his father to be a pastor as a teenager so he prayed to have one son who would be a pastor. As a result of that prayer, there are now three pastors in my immediate family (including my father, brother-in-law, and me).

Passion: Meeting new people and introducing them to Jesus. I love learning everyone's stories and connecting them to a community of believers.

Favorite Activities: My family likes being in or around water. I also enjoy paddleboarding, and I am currently trying to learn how to crab. We enjoy spending time with family and friends no matter the activity. You may find me in my downtime watching sports or baking bread with my family’s Mennonite sourdough starter.

Little Known Fact: I used to be a competitive powerlifting. I even competed at the World Championships and helped Team USA place first for the first time. Although I only competed in Maryland twice, it is the only state where I have records.